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Unlock Your Financial Potential: Three Key Truths to Propel Your Growth

It's important to know that financial growth is not just about earning more money; that It also involves developing a growth mindset and skillset aka your gifting that will enable you to create value for others and ultimately lead to financial success.

In this post, we'll explore the three key components to achieving financial growth: mindset, skillset, and inspired action.


Your mindset is the foundation for achieving financial growth. It's the way you view the world and navigate through life.

A growth mindset means that you have unlimited possibility thinking, while a fixed mindset means that you have self-limiting beliefs.

It's essential to develop a growth mindset because it helps you see opportunities where others might see obstacles.

You'll be more open to learning new things, taking risks, and persisting through challenges as you become more attuned to developing your growth mindset.


Developing a skillset is the next step in achieving financial growth. Here are seven steps to help you develop your skillset:

  • Decide who you want to become.
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Define which skills you want to improve to bring value to others.
  • Take time to practice and master skills by observing others.
  • Take a skillset test.
  • Set goals and monitor your progress.
  • Hire a coach or join an online community of like-minded people.

As you take the necessary steps to develop your skillset, you'll be able to offer more value to others and ultimately increase your earning potential.


Inspired action is the final key to achieving financial growth. It's action that comes from a place of passion, purpose, and joy.

It aligns with your faith and gifting, and helps you create a meaningful impact in the world.

As you work on developing your mindset and skillset, look for opportunities to take inspired action.

This could be starting a side hustle, volunteering, or pursuing a passion project.

When you take inspired action, you'll be more motivated, energized, and fulfilled.


Achieving financial growth is attainable. It requires a combination of elevating your mindset, developing your skillset (gifting), and taking inspired action.

By developing a growth mindset, identifying your passion and purpose, and taking inspired action, you'll be on your way to achieving financial success.

Remember, financial growth is not just about making more money. It's about creating value for others and making a meaningful impact for the building of God's Kingdom.

Next step: Taking Inspired Action

This is an excerpt - For more inspiration and to support this work, please purchase a copy of Awaken to His Purpose. Thank you!